1 Introduction

This article explains how to get your driving license (DL) renewed without paying a bribe. The process of DL renewal is different depending on the RTO in Bangalore. This process is meant for Indiranagar (KA-03) RTO.

2 Process Overview

  1. You can apply for renewal of driving license within 30 days before or after the expiry of the current license. The current process is documented at: http://transport.karnataka.gov.in/index.php/information/details/renew_dl
  2. Download and fill Form-9 available at http://transport.karnataka.gov.in/uploads/files/cmv9.pdf
  3. If you are less than 50 years old: Download and complete the physical fitness form Form-1 at http://transport.karnataka.gov.in/uploads/files/medical_forms.pdf
  4. If you are turning 50 during the application period or already above 50: Download and complete Form-1A at http://transport.karnataka.gov.in/uploads/files/medical_forms.pdf. Get this signed by a medical practitioner along with their seal.
  5. Get a cloth envelope, write your address and affix Rs. 17 worth of stamps.
  6. Go to the Indiranagar RTO, submit the form, pay the fees, and get an acknowledgement slip.
  7. If you do not get the DL within 30 days within days, visit the RTO office and check the status, get an extension date noted on the acknowledgement slip. Keep repeating this step until you get the license.

3 Required Documents & Office supplies

  1. Your current DL original. Make a copy of the DL.
  2. Form-9: http://transport.karnataka.gov.in/uploads/files/cmv9.pdf
  3. Less that 50 years Form1: http://transport.karnataka.gov.in/uploads/files/medical_forms.pdf
  4. More than 50 years Form 1A: http://transport.karnataka.gov.in/uploads/files/medical_forms.pdf
  5. Two passport size photographs to fix in the above application forms: A. Form-9, B. Form 1 or Form 1A
  6. If you need address change:
    1. Any valid address proof copy: Aadhar card, bank statement etc
    2. An handwritten application requesting for address change addressing to the RTO. Use a simple letter that goes as follows: “I request you to change my permanent address in my DL to the address mentioned above…”
  7. One 4″x10″ blue cloth envelope, self addressed, with Rs 17. worth of stamps affixed
  8. A polyethylene cover to put the old DL.
  9. Couple of pins and a glue stick.
  10. A black ink or ballpoint pen
  11. Go through the following site: http://transport.karnataka.gov.in/index.php/information/details/fee_per_to_dlr and understand what fees need to be paid. Get currency in various denominations so that you can pay the exact fees without expecting a change.

4 Procedure

4.1 Complete the forms

Complete all the required forms, affix the photographs, sign, and get a signature and seal from a medical practitioner. Make a photocopy of the completed application forms and the envelope. Do not go the RTO to complete these steps; complete them at the comfort of your home.

4.2 Submit the forms and supporting documents at the RTO

  1. Travel to the RTO so that you arrive just before 10:00AM.
  2. Go to the 2nd floor to the DL section. You will find the door will be closed. The third door from the left will be now open allowing employees and cleaners to get it. Enter through this door and arrive at counter #4. Congratulations if you are the first one to arrive. Make a queue and instruct others to stand behind you. The cleaning person will ask you wait outside. Don’t listen to his advice, stand your ground, and wait here.
  3. DL section/Counter #4: Give the application bunch with the envelope the RTO superintendent. He will review the documents and write the amount of fees to be paid.
  4. Room 1 Cash section: Go to this section, pay the fees. If there is no hologram sticker in the receipt, ask the cashier to affix one or find a person in the same room affixing the hologram stickers. Make a copy of the two receipts. Enter the receipt number in the application form. Attach the two receipts to your document set.
  5. DL Section/Counter #6: Come back to the DL section, go to counter #6 and get your photograph taken.
  6. DL Section/Counter #5: Submit the whole document bunch and get the white color acknowledgement slip. An inward number will be mentioned here. Make a copy of this slip and keep it in the car.

4.3 Follow up

  1. You will not receive the DL within 30 days as promised. You can check whether they have processed your application by visiting: https://sarathi.nic.in:8443/nrportal/sarathi/DlDetRequest.jsp Don’t select a state, just enter your DL number, for example: KA0319980008383. If you are turning 50 years old during this period, it is important check when the new DL will expire. You may have to apply again!
  2. On the nearest working day when your acknowledgement is expiring, visit the RTO DL Section/Counter #5 just before 10:30AM with the acknowledge slip. Ask them for the current status. If they claim they have sent the DL by speedpost ask for speed post tracking number.
  3. Get your acknowledgement slip validity extended by 30 days with a small circular seal.
  4. Repeat steps #1 to #3. Eventually, you should get your license via speedpost. If not, gently apply pressure to the people in counter #5, they will ask you go to the printing section, give the slip to a person there, and get your DL printed and hand delivered to you.

5 Reference

RTO Process: http://transport.karnataka.gov.in/index.php/information/details/renew_dl

CMV Form 9: http://transport.karnataka.gov.in/uploads/files/medical_forms.pdf

Form 1/Form 1A: http://transport.karnataka.gov.in/uploads/files/medical_forms.pdf

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