How to engage in Cleaning, Greening and Caring initiatives

There are many successful Cleaning and Caring projects we have engaged in. These provide immediate satisfaction and lasting impact. If many of us do this, then our areas can be truly beautiful. We consider engaging in Caring projects our fundamental duty. Children out of school, youth loitering or engaging in dangerous activities, unwell or needy […]

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How to be a Rising Community

A Rising Community is one that is not a burden on the area they are in, but rather a positive asset to them. Here are the various categories under which community behaviors are listed. How Risen is your Community? 1 Garbage Segregates garbage Composts food waste generated as well as leaves/greenery from the community Disposes garbage […]

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How to be a Rising Citizen

Are you annoyed, troubled, affected by the issues you see around you, be they civic, social or criminal? Have you thought about engaging and trying to make a difference but don’t know where to begin? Are you wondering how you can make any difference that will be of significance given the scale of some problems? […]

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How to be a Rising Business

A business that makes a profit while benefiting the area around them is a Rising Business. 1 Rising Shops Does not encroach into any public property such as a footpath Does not encourage illegal parking and keeps the front of his/her shop free for pedestrians Does not use banned plastic bags and encourages customers to bring […]

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How to Volunteer with Whitefield Rising

1 Welcome Aboard Whitefield Rising is an attitude, a movement and not an organization! If you have the attitude, you are in. Whats the attitude? Its simply asking the question “What can I do to make a difference here”. It can be across any area in our geography. It could be your photography skills you want […]

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How to Create your Own Rising

1 Why you need your Own Rising Pretty much all neighborhoods have some issue or the other. There are things citizens can do to resolve many of them and there are things citizens can get the government’s help to resolve. When you create your own Rising, you are making a strong statement and are empowered. With […]

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