1 Issue

  • Too many stray dogs. Fearsome in packs
  • Worry about getting attacked/ being bitten
  • They look diseased

There are ways to manage this issue in a manner that is both humane to the dog as well as reassuring to the citizen. The final goal here is to reduce stray dog population and keep the existing ones healthy and friendly so as to avoid human animal conflict. As an example, there are multiple communities and layouts that “passively” adopt the strays near their area. This means giving them some food and water, getting them neutered, and watching out for any illness/ injury. If this is done, the dogs actually turn around to protect the community they are a part of while not contributing to the growing population of dogs.

2 Steps

  • Step 1: Assess the situation. How many dogs are there? Take photos. Do they have their ears clipped? Are they male or female? What issues exist because of these dogs?
  • Step 2: Identify 1-2 volunteers in the area who are comfortable around dogs and also have compassion for them.
  • Step 3:  hello@whitefieldrising.org with all the above details and volunteer contacts as well as exact location.
  • Step 4: Our volunteer team will get back to you for further guidance on how to proceed.
Stray dogs image.jpg

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