1 Introduction
This article describes how to kick-start, manage and handover the relief materials of collection drive successfully to the chosen NGO to make sure it reaches the needy ones.
Each of us as human beings has a responsibility to reach out to help our brothers and sisters affected by disasters. One day it may be us or our loved ones needing someone to reach out and help. –‘Michael W. Hawkins, American Red Cross’
2 What is a Collection Drive?
Collection Drive is an event that has the following qualities:
- Can be organized by anyone and is called the Collection Drive Host.
- Acts as a platform through which community citizens can donate materials (new or old, based on the need)
- Benefits people who are in need of the materials and referred to as the Needy Ones.
- Mediated by an NGO between the Collection Drive Host and the Needy Ones.
3 How can i participate in a Collection Drive?
You can participate as following:
- Collection Drive Champion
- Community Champion
- Community Citizen Volunteer
- Corporate CSR Team
4 What are my roles and responsibilities?
5 Collection Drive Champion
- As a Collection Drive Champion, you will be the lead of the whole collection drive from the need identification to handover of materials to NGO. There is no need for personal presence during the whole phase of collection drive but the whole drive can be managed through social media like Facebook and messaging apps like WhatsApp.
- As a first step, you have to identify the real need and NGO that closely work with the needy ones of the collection materials.Collect the information of needed relief materials from NGO.Mail to with the subject line ‘Collection Drive’ and mention the details and your intent to act as a Collection Drive Champion for whole of Whitefield.
- You will be added to the Communities Connect whatsapp group, where all the community champions exist. You can send posters of the need, start and end date of collection drive, reminders, etc in this group.Upon collection drive end date, you have to coordinate with the Transport Agency(Regular Ones) in order to collect all the relief materials from different communities and send it off to the desired NGO storage godown and get an acknowledgement receipt for the same.
- Share the total list of collections out of the drive and send a ‘THANK YOU’ note to all the Community Champions and share the story in Social Media with photographs.
6 Community Champion
- As a Community Champion of collection drive, you will be the face of the collection drive to the Community Volunteers in your community/apartment.
- If you are already not there in Community Champions whatsapp group, do send a mail to with subject line ‘Collection Drive’ and your intentions and past community work done.You will be added to the Communities Connect whatsapp group, where the collection drive champion and all the community champions exist.
- Talk to the Collection Drive Champion and understand the idea and needs behind the corresponding collection drive.Your job is to dissimate the needs/information shared by the Collection Drive Champion to all the residents/citizen volunteers of your community through Adda/Whatsapp groups/notice boards etc.
- Fix a venue within your community(mostly clubhouse), so that residents can drop by their donations at that place.Share the update on collections atleast twice a week in the group and seek help for ideas from other community champions to make your drive successful. Make sure to segregate the collections and pack it with a note written on each box with list of collections a day before the collection by the truck from your community.
- If you find small needs nearby your community, you can do the collection drive yourself acting as a Collection Drive Champion as well. Only in-case of collection drive for whole of Whitefield, you need to mail to
7 Community Citizen Volunteer
- As a Community Citizen Volunteer, you are the backbone of the Collection Drive where the actual needs are met by you.
- Do have a look at the Adda mails/notice board of your community mentioning about collection drives. Carefully read the needs mentioned and make sure you donate the usable materials by others. In terms of cash/cheque donations contact your Community Champion. At any point, you can also mail to with your question. You will get a response.
8 Corporate CSR Team
- As a Corporate CSR Team, if you want to host a collection drive in your company to get your employees engagement and to create social impact, please do send a mail to with a subject line Corporate Collection Drive. You will get a response and we will help you out in terms of identifying the needs/NGO/ideas after discussions.
9 Types of Collection Drives
9.1 Disaster Relief Material Collection Drive
- This type of collection drive will be an ad hoc one on need basis whenever there is a disaster/natural calamity in our state/neighboring states. Watch out for posts in Whitefield Rising group [1] or mail at
- Examples from past : SaveNepal , ChennaiFloodsRelief, AssamFloodsRelief .
9.2 Fixed Periodic Collection Drives
- This type of collection drive will be fixed periodical collection drives all through the year.Watch out for posts in Whitefield Rising group [2] or mail at
- Examples from past: School Books, School Bags, Toys, Blankets, Vessels, Cloths, Shoes etc
10 Collection Drive Samples from Past Events
The below sample pictures will be of help to you to get started.

Happy Volunteering! If you need any further information please write to us at –