Objective: To critically evaluate the traffic study done at Bellandur to issue a commercial license. Approach: Use Google or similar service to get data. Glossary: PCU – Passenger Car Unit: Capacity of road is expressed in this unit. A car has 1 PCU and a 2-wheeler has 0.5 PCU IRC – Indian Road Congress.

What data is really required for the traffic volume study? 1. Recommended Design Service Volume (PCUs/hour) – Designated as C a. Type of carriageway as designed by IRC-106-1990 (2-lane one way, 2-lane two way etc) b. IRC-106-1990 category of the urban road (Arterial, Sub-arterial, or Collector) 2. Actual traffic volume survey conducted during peak hours by a person. Count the vehicles crossing a fixed point. Designated as V 3. Compute Level of Service (LOS) = V/C and performance according to IRC. 4. Determine the level of service A to F. A – free flow, E – at capacity, F – breakdown flow. What data can Google maps provide? Only Speed of a typical vehicle is available. No user accessible historical information is available. Design an experiment for 14 days and get actual duration to travel between two points in the road of interest. This will give you average speed. Please see below examples of such studies: https://traffic.mapshalli.org/reports/show_report?report=mpura_rmz_p1_dec_05_dec_09 https://traffic.mapshalli.org/reports/show_report?report=hopefarm-junction-signal-p5-v1 https://traffic.mapshalli.org/reports/show_report?report=bigbazaar_signal_analysis Can this data be used for traffic volume study? No! As, Volume = Speed x Density We can get only Speed from Google maps but we need Density (PCU per km) What is the recommended approach? File an RTI and get the complete study materials. Submit it to experts at Center for infrastructure, Sustainable Transportation & Urban Planning (CiSTUP), Indian Institute of Science (IISc) Bangalore. http://cistup.iisc.ac.in/. Find the gaps in the study and request for another study or get the support CiSTUP to do an independent study.

Look at the zoning classifications of buildings in question. Compare the required road width and the actuals. Compare the approved plan with the constructed plan.

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